landscape architect unsw
Course name: bachelor of landsape architecture course code: 3380 units of credit: 192 course length: four years full time. Unsw staff and students experiencing difficulties using moodle? contact external telt support for assistance. email: Media office, unsw sydney nsw 2052 australia telephone. +61 2 9385 2864, email. media[at][dot]au authorised by director, media office, unsw.

About - landscape architecture - built environment - unsw australia
Landscape architecture
Landscape architecture is a design discipline which is concerned with the environment as a whole. students at unsw learn the theory and practice of landscape. Landscape architecture is a design profession with a long tradition and increasing relevance in meeting the challenge of creating sustainable and beautiful. Unsw built environment graduate catalogue 2015 - landscape architecture | issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs.
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